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2 Translation results for twist in Spanish

noun | verb

twist noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
vuelta, recodo (en el camino, el río, etc.); giro; espiral; giro inesperado (de eventos, etc.)

Example sentences of
twist noun

  • a simple twist of the wrist
  • The jar should open with a twist of the lid.
  • The road has some nasty twists.
  • The coastal road had many twists and turns.
  • It was a film noir with some clever twists.
  • In an unusual twist, the police arrested one of their own.
  • They were brought together by a strange twist of fate.

Synonyms of
twist noun

twist verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
twisted, has twisted, is twisting, twists
retorcerse, enroscarse, serpentear (dícese de un río, un camino, etc.); torcer, retorcer

Example sentences of
twist verb

  • The toy can be twisted into different shapes.
  • She twisted balloons into the shapes of different animals.
  • The antenna was twisted out of shape.
  • He twists his lip into an odd expression when he's thinking.
  • Twist the dials on the radio.
  • The bottle cap twists off.
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Reverse translation for twist

vuelta  - turn, circle, revolution, flip, turn, bend, curve, return, round, lap (in sports or games) 
recodo  (en el camino, el río, etc.) - bend 
giro  - turn, rotation, change of direction 
espiral  - spiral 
giro inesperado  (de eventos, etc.)
retorcerse  - to get twisted, to get tangled up, to squirm, to writhe, to wiggle about 
enroscarse  - to coil, to twine 
serpentear  (dícese de un río, un camino, etc.) - to twist, to wind 
torcer  - to bend, to twist, to turn, to sprain, to turn (a corner), to wring, to wring out, to distort 
retorcer  - to twist, to wring